
Emerging Issues under Subsidiary IPRs


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Book Details
Title Emerging Issues under Subsidiary I P Rs
ISBN 978-81-970560-4-8
Edition 1st edn., 2024
Pages 336
Authors Sankalp Jain
Publisher Bharat Publishers
SKU: TG-BPG-EIUSIPR Categories: , , ,


Dive into ‘Emerging Issues under Subsidiary IPRs’ authored by Sankalp Jain, published by Bharat Publishers. With 336 pages, this comprehensive guide delves into various legal aspects including the Law of Domain Names, Law of Trade Dress, Law of Geographical Indications, Protection of Plant Varieties, Law of Traditional Knowledge, and more. Each chapter explores salient features, functions, infringement issues, and remedies in detail. Avail a limited-time offer of a flat 27% discount along with Free Shipping. ISBN: 978-81-970560-4-8.

PART Chapter Section/Issue
PART 1 Chapter 1 Issues under Copyright Act
1. Moral Rights in Indian Copyright Law
A. Moral Rights: Nature and Types
B. Moral Rights: Honour or Reputation of the Author
C. Moral Rights: Distortion, Mutilation and Modification of the Work
D. Berne Convention
2. Performers’ Rights in Indian Copyright Law and Common Law
A. Copyright (Amendment) Act, 1994
B. Related Rights
C. Music, Songs and Sound Recordings
D. Performance and Performers’ Rights
E. Fair Dealing and Related Rights
F. Royalty
G. Publicity and Personality Rights of Celebrities
3. Broadcasters’ Rights in Indian Copyright Law
A. Copyright (Amendment) Act, 1994
B. Broadcast and Rights of Broadcasters
C. Tariff Scheme
D. Public Interest
E. Interplay of Copyright Act and TRAI Act
F. Fair Dealing Exceptions
G. Infringement Proceedings
H. Section 31 of Copyright Act: Legislative Intent
I. Section 31D of Copyright Act: Statutory Licensing and Determination of Royalty Rates
PART 2 Chapter 2 Law of Domain Names in India
1. Domain Names: Salient Features, Functions and Importance
2. Registration of Domain Names
3. Domain Names: Infringement, Passing Off and Injunction
4. UDNDR Policy
5. Distinction between Trademark and Domain Name
6. Domain Name Registrars (DNRs): ‘Intermediaries’ under Information Technology Act
PART 3 Chapter 3 Law of Trade Dress in India
A. Trade Dress: Salient Features, Functions and Importance
B. Trade Dress: Infringement, Passing Off and Likelihood of Confusion
C. Trade Dress: Grant of Injunction
D. Duties and Obligations of Second and Subsequent Users
E. Trade Dress: Interplay with other IPRs
PART 4 Chapter 4 Law of Geographical Indications in India
A. Geographical Indications Act: Preamble and Object
B. Absolute Protection
C. Jurisdiction of the High Court and District Courts
D. Geographical Indications: Opposition to Grant, Infringement and Passing-Off
E. Unfair Competition
F. Place of Origin and Reputation
PART 5 Chapter 5 Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights in India
A. PPVFR Act: Objects and Purpose
B. Registration of Plant Variety
C. Submission of Evidence
D. Opposition to Application for Registration of Plant Variety
E. DUS Criteria: Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability
F. Harvested Material
G. Plant Variety Protection and Other IPRs
H. National Register of Plant Variety
I. Interpretation of Statutes: PPVFR Act and PPVFR Rules
J. Essentially Derived Variety
K. Infringement and Remedies
PART 6 Chapter 6 Law of Traditional Knowledge in India
A. Traditional Products and Herbs
B. Biological Diversity Act, 2002: Objectives
C. Fair and Equitable Benefit Sharing (FEBS)
D. Revocation of Patent
PART 7 Chapter 7 Law of Trade Secrets and Confidential Information in India
A. Trade Secrets/Confidential Information: Salient Features, Types, Functions & Importance
B. Law of Confidentiality: Duty of Confidence and Breach of Confidentiality
C. Right of Information Act, 2005: Sections 11 and 8(1)
D. Covenants in Restraint of Trade: Section 27, Indian Contract Act, 1872
E. Infringement and Remedies
F. Novelty
G. Trade Secrets and Other IPRs
Appendix 1 Relevant Legislative Provisions (Indian Laws)
Appendix 2 Relevant Legislative Provisions (International Treaties/Conventions)

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