
Prevention & Control of Diseases Dangerous to Life


Book Details
Title Prevention & Control of Diseases Dangerous to Life
ISBN 9789356039254
Edition 1st edn., 2024
Pages 248
Authors Prof. (Dr.) H N Giri  &   Yashodhra Raj
Publisher Commercial Law Publishers

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Discover a comprehensive guide on Prevention & Control of Diseases Dangerous to Life. by ISBN 9789356039254, is a comprehensive resource published by Commercial Law Publishers and Authored by Prof. (Dr.) H N Giri  &   Yashodhra Raj. From COVID-19 symptoms to treatments, including HIV/AIDS precautions and legal responses. This edition delves into the historical development of COVID-19, offers crucial insights into diseases dangerous to life, and provides preventive measures against contagious infections. Learn about the latest updates on COVID-19, including the most common symptoms, treatment options, and essential prevention tips recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Uncover detailed chapters on the judicial response to infectious diseases, legal safeguards for HIV(+) patients, and protocols for quarantine and disease control. Authored by experts in the field, this book presents crucial information on diseases, symptoms, treatments, and legal frameworks governing public health. With detailed appendices, an index of authors, and a comprehensive list of reports and terms, this resource serves as a valuable tool for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and individuals seeking to understand and combat diseases threatening public health. Get your copy now and stay informed on preventing and managing infectious diseases effectively.

Contents Pages
Preface v
Abbreviations vii
List of Statutes ix
List of Case List xix
Chapter 1: Entrance To Subject
Bharat Swachh Abhiyan 4
Methods Of Spreading Infection 6
(1) Droplets 6
(2) Water 6
(3) Air Born Diseases 6
(4) Food Or Milk 7
(5) Flies 7
(6) Dust 7
(7) Parasites 7
(8) Fomites 7
(9) Secretion Faomlesion 7
(10) Nutrient Agents 7
(11) Physical Agents 7
(12) Chemical Agents 8
(13) Mechanical Agents 8
(14) Excess Of Substances 8
(15) Pathogens 8
(16) Carriers 8
Difference Between Contagious And Infectious Diseases 11
Transmission Of Infectious Diseases 12
Indirect Transmission 13
Channels For Spreading HIV/AIDS Infection 15
Chapter 2: Public Right To Health And Hygiene
Environmental Pollution Diseases 28
Land Pollution Diseases 28
Short Term Diseases 28
Long Term Diseases 29
Airborne Diseases 29
Most Common Waterborne Diseases 30
Noise Caused Diseases 32
Control On Infectious Diseases 32
Right To Health On International Perspective 32
Universal Declaration On Human Rights 33
Chapter 3: Causes And Kinds Of Dangerous Diseases
Introduction 44
Diseases 44
Spreading Of Infection (Transmission Of Infectious Diseases) 47
Main Causes Of Infectious Diseases 48
Stages Of Communicable Diseases 49
Contagious Diseases 49
Epidemic Diseases 51
Pandemic Diseases 52
Endemic Diseases 52
Difference Among Epidemic, Pandemic And Endemic Diseases 52
Relation Between Std Infection And Hiv Infection 52
Venereal Diseases/Sexual Transmitted Diseases 53
Difference Between STD And VD 53
Chapter 4: Dangerous Diseases To Life “HIV”/ “AIDS”
Introduction 55
Meaning Of Terms “HIV” And “AIDS” 57
Aids 57
Difference Between HIV Positive And AIDS 60
Who Survey Of 1995 60
A Historical Development Of AIDS 60
First Phase (1980-1990) 61
Second Phase 1991-2000 62
Third Phase (2001 To 2010) 63
Fourth Phase (2011- Till The Passing Of The Act 2017) 63
Aims And Objectives Of The Act 66
Channels For Spreading HIV/AIDS Infection 67
Sexual Transmission Of HIV 69
Unnatural Intercourse Man To Man (M&M) 69
Potential Harm From Quackery 72
The Courts And Quacks 73
Treatment Of HIV/AIDS Infectious Diseases 74
Chapter 5: Sex Oriented Diseases And Getrid Of
Introduction 78
Origin And Development Of Venereal Diseases 93
Venereal Diseases 95
Symptoms Of STD 97
Syphilis 97
Rectum Or Mouth 98
Genital Symptoms 98
Treatment 98
Gonorrhoea 98
Symptoms 99
Treatment 99
Chancroid 99
Soft Chancre (Chancroid) 100
Symptoms 100
Treatment 100
Chlamydia 100
Symptoms 100
Treatment 101
Lymphogranuloma Veneeum (LGV) 101
Symptoms: 101
Treatment 101
Donovanosis 101
Symptoms 102
Treatment 102
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 102
Treatment 102
Herpes Genitals 102
Symptoms 103
Treatment 103
Trichomoniasis 103
Treatment 103
Condyloma Acuminata 103
Treatment 104
Candidiasis 104
Treatment 104
Pediculosis 104
Treatment 104
Scabies 105
Symptoms 105
Treatment 105
Lichen Planus 105
Symptoms 105
Treatment 105
Chapter 6: Special Diseases
Introduction 106
1. The Tuberculosis (T. B.) 106
2. Typhoid 106
3. Leprosy 107
4. Cholera 107
5. Diphtheria 108
6. Tetanus 108
7. Plague 108
8. Gonorrhoea 108
9. Syphilis 109
10. Whooping Cough 109
Diseases Caused By Viruses: 109
11. Chicken Pox 109
12. Measles 109
13. Polio Or Poliomyelitis 110
14.Rabies 110
15. Smallpox 110
16. Trachoma 111
17. Mumps 111
18. Protozoa 111
19. Amoebiasis 111
20. Diarrhoea 112
21. Balantidium Dysentery 112
22. Malaria 112
23. Helminthes 113
24. Teniasis And Cysticercosis 113
25. Filariasis 113
26. Ascariasis 114
27. Zika 114
28. Ebola 114
Causes Of Spreading Ebola Virus Diseases (EVD) 115
Symptoms 116
Prevention And Control Of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) 116
Treatment 116
29. Nipah 116
Transmission Of Nipah 116
How Nipah Leaves Its Effects 117
Causes Of This Virus 117
30. Chikungunya 117
Symptoms 119
31. Monkeypox Disease Origin And Development 119
Symptoms And Characteristics 119
Causes Of Spreading 119
Treatment 119
32. Hepatitis 120
Symptoms And Characteristics 120
Treatment 121
Chapter 7: Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19)
Introduction 122
Historical Development Of Covid-19 122
Causes Of Spread Of Covid-19 123
World Wide Corona (Covid-19) Report Of W.H.O On 30.04.2022 126
Symptoms Of Coronavirus 127
Most Common Symptoms 127
Serious Symptoms 127
Treatment Of Corona Patients 128
Dengue And Corona 128
Difference Between Corona And Dengue 129
Incubation Period Of Covid-19 And Dengue 129
Prevention And Control Of Corona 130
Important Tips For Prevention 130
1. Washing Of Hands 130
2. Avoid Touching Of Face 131
3. Stop Shaking Hands And Hugging People 131
4. Do Not Share Personal Items 131
5. Cover Your Mouth And Nose When You Cough And Sneeze 131
6. Clean And Disinfect Surface 131
7. Take Physical (Social) Distancing Seriously 132
8. Do Not Gather In Groups 132
9. Avoid Eating Or Drinking In Public Places 132
10. To Wash Fresh Groceries 132
11. Wear A (Handmade) Mask 132
12. Self-Quarantine If Sick 133
Protection For Healthcare Personnel And Damage To Property 136
Conclusion 138
Covaxin Effect 139
Side Effects 139
Covishield 139
Chapter 8: Judicial Response In Prevention And Control Of Infectious
The Goa Daman Diu (Amendment) Act, 1962 141
Chapter 9: Judicial Response In Prevention And Control Of Dangerous
Unlawful, Negligent Or Malignant Acts 150
Prohibitions Of Infected Persons To Deal With Things To Be Consumed By The Public 151
Disposal Of The Dead Body: 152
Spreading Of Infection From Animals: 155
Disease Dangerous To Life 156
Law To Protect HIV (+) Patients From Bias 158
Prevention Of Sexual Transmission Of HIV 158
Condoms And Spermicides 159
Suggestions To All Persons To Prevent And Sexual Transmission Of HIV 159
1. The Choice Of Your Sexual Partner (S) 160
2. The Number Of Sexual Partners 160
3. The Type Of Sexual Behaviour Practised 160
Suggestions To HIV-Infected Persons 160
Suggestions To Public Health Authorities And Other Groups Involved In AIDS Prevention As Part Of The National AIDS Programme 161
Suggestions To Health Care Providers 161
Suggestions To Sexual Partners Of Known HIV-Infected Persons 162
Laws Governing Quarantine: 165
The Powers Of Central Government 172
Status Of Law On Human Rights 176
Prevention And Control Of HIV/AIDS 179
National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) 181
Role Of Government As Per The Act 182
Court Proceeding As Per The Act 182
Chapter 10: Conclusions And Suggestions
General Principle Of Liability In Relation To Spreading Of Infectious Diseases 187
Standard Of Care Needed 192
Restrictions On Persons Having Custody Of Infected Persons 194
Appendices 203
Index of Authors with their Works 219
List of Reports 221
List of Words and Terms used in the Book 223

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